An update to the waitlisters!
This is a copy of the email that we recently sent out to everyone on the waitlist, but it also applies to anyone interested in a custom putter, so please read on!
Well helloooooo there everyone!
Thank you so much for your interest in our little company and building your own custom putter. This is going to be a pretty long email, but it’s important, so please read on…
For those that don’t know, Ow&Co. Golf consists of just two guys (Pete & Nick). We do it all: putter making, marker and tool development, prototyping & product development, graphic design, professional photography, headcover design, social media, website development, order management, email responses, etc. We do all of this outside of our full time jobs and other family and personal responsibilities!
It’s important we explain that so you understand where we are coming from and why it takes time to craft these special putters and products. We cannot provide ETA's on when a putter will be complete, but let's say it's about 2-3 months in most cases from when the deposit is given to the putter being completed.
Got it? Good! Done talking about boring stuff.
Next, interest for our products has been incredible! We are extremely fortunate and humbled by how many folks like what we're doing and want to support us. As of this email we have over 200 people in the queue for a custom putter. We’ve been doing this for about 13 months now and have made about 70 total putters.
With that being said we are doing A LOT to improve efficiencies… and we hope that will start showing during the next batch. We wanted to walk through the process here so you know what you are getting into and if you want to move forward. We also put some information together below so you can see where you currently sit in the queue.
If you submitted your custom order request between these dates, you can estimate how far back you are in the queue.
1-50: January 19th, 2024 - April 13th
50-100: April 13th - June 17th
100-150: June 17th - July 22nd
150+: July 22nd - today
If you still want a putter, there is a link at the bottom of this message (don't go clicking on it now, continue reading first!) The link at the bottom is a very simple form, but it is SUPER IMPORTANT and will become the new order queue, don’t worry, we will still prioritize customers in the order you were in the original queue. We’re hoping this process will weed out people who are no longer interested, or not ready to commit so please only fill it out if you absolutely want a putter, understand the costs, wait times, etc.
Once we have this new, updated list, we’ll then email out groups of people as we have heads available, we usually do this in groups of 20 or so (right now we’re only offering stainless, right handed models so keep that in mind). If you ONLY want a carbon steel putter, let us know that in the form and we’ll reach out when we run more carbon heads.
When it's finally your lucky day and you get that email, please be prepared to fill out a more detailed form where you must select all of the details for your build and submit a mock-up design (again, don’t worry, you don’t have to be an artist). If you have questions, we’ll be able to answer them to make sure you are comfortable moving forward. You can get a head start on that mock-up here.
Once that’s done, we will send you back a spec sheet. This will include of your details as well as a mock up of what you can expect the finished product to look like (of course it won’t be EXACT since everything we do is by hand), but it will be very close. If this spec sheet looks good, you will then sign off on the design and pay for a deposit to begin the work.
We highly recommend looking at putters that we have crafted thus far to give you an idea how different options and finishes look in their completed state. Definitely check out our Instagram, the slideshow on the website, or what has been posted in our Facebook Group. All available options can be found in the sub-sections of our Putter page.
We have learned a lot from the first 70 putters we have built… one of the most time consuming and stressful part of all of this is when people decide they want to change their minds into the build. We must be very clear going forward — we cannot make any changes after you have signed off on the final spec sheet. Any changes throw us off, cause confusion and end up elongating the process for everyone… so let us reiterate, ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGES once you have signed off on the build.
I said no changes right? Well, there are always exceptions, but realize if you hit the panic button and NEED to change something after signoff, it will come with a cost, no matter how miniscule. This is the only way we can improve our process and make more putters, so if you absolutely, positively must make a change, we have to charge a one time fee for the time and work that will go into it.
Hopefully all of this makes sense and is clear… we’re extremely transparent guys and want to make sure there are no unknowns before we start this process… if you still have any questions, email us back and let us know.
Thanks for reading this message, we look forward to working with you in the future and creating a putter of your dreams!
In the meantime, join our Facebook group, we do offer putters there from time to time and other special things for our members… we HIGHLY recommend it.
We’ve got a ton of great products on the way, so make sure you follow us on Instagram too, turn post notifications on too so you don’t miss out.
Finally, tell all of your friends, acquaintances, co-workers, enemies, whoever... about us. We want to grow naturally by people following us that really have interest in the hand-made products we create, we will never pay for advertising on social media or other outlets… your word of mouth helps more than you could know!
Have a great rest of your day, and we hope to see your name in the new queue soon!
Talk soon!
-Pete & Nick
Ow&Co. Golf